We developed a technology platform that is especially designed for low-amenity condos.
It simplifies maintenance, finance, and governance to make your board's job easier.
Streamline a custom preventive maintenance program, so your building will never fall behind on maintenance again and the building's history is saved
Sample application features include:
- Maintenance calendar
- Easy request/review of vendor bids
- Log for building's maintenance history
Automize your finances, taxes, and reports. Under our system, the board retains control of your bank account unlike property managers that require the association to move its finances to its preferred bank
Sample application features include:
- Automatic monthly statements
- Easy budget creation tool
- Automatic tax preparation
Simplify the decision process for your volunteer board, so it is never hard for your board to make decisions and take weeks for something that should have been taken care of in a few minutes
Sample application features include:
- Easy board review and approvals
- Automatic notices to owners
- Delegation and reminder tool